626.930.1200 converse@converseconsultants.com Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm | Wed, Dec 11, 2024
Converse Consultants

Environmental Services | Landfills | Hazardous Materials | Solid & Liquid Wastes

Hazardous Materials
Hazardous Material can be defined as any substance or material that, due to its quantity, concentration, or physical or chemical characteristics, may pose a hazard to human health or the environment. Categories of hazardous materials include:
• Flammable/Combustible Materials
• Toxic Materials
• Corrosive Materials
• Oxidizers
• Aerosols
• Compressed gases

A property owner or business may be required to comply with certain reporting and/or planning requirements if hazardous materials are present on-site. Converse can assist complying with:
• SARA Title III - Community Right to Know reports
• California Business Plans
• Hazardous Materials/Soil Management Plans
• OSHA Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals
• Nevada Chemical Accident Prevention Programs
• EPA Risk Management Plans

Solid and Liquid Wastes
Converse can assist property owners and business with the appropriate characterization and disposal of solid and liquid wastes. Wastes of concern may result from sources such as: undocumented discarded material/soil, wastes from industrial, commercial, mining, and agricultural operations, environmental assessment or remedial operations, and from community activities, sludges, refuse, or garbage. We also can make hazardous waste determinations and help you to appropriately manage your waste materials to help with waste minimization, including the correct classification for conditionally exempt small quantity generator (CESQG), small quantity generator (SQG), or large quantity generator (LQG).

Converse has decades of experience providing consulting services for private and municipally managed landfills in the United States. We are actively working at several landfills, conducting groundwater compliance monitoring and sampling, tracking pumping volumes, leachate sampling, landfill gas (LFG) sampling as it relates to bio treatment and total reduced sulfur (TRS), and various NPDES discharge sampling. Converse can assist with the preparation of landfill design, and cap/closure plans. Converse can also provide inspection and monitoring services related to the operation of methane gas mitigation systems, as well as groundwater monitoring and remediation systems.

Landfills / Solid Waste Landfills / Solid Waste

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