Environmental Services | Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) is a cross-disciplinary practice focused on the protection of workers’ health and safety. OEHS solutions are based around compliance with federal and state Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations and applied sciences. Bottom line financial and legal issues are improved through compliance and application of industrial hygiene, safety programs and physical and chemical evaluation. Converse has been providing OEHS solutions for over 20 years and has experienced Certified Industrial Hygienists and Certified Safety Professionals available for consultation on:
• Safety programs, training and audits.
• LEED – indoor air quality management plans and sampling, assessment of emissions, tobacco smoke control, ventilation effectiveness, EPA’s IBEAM for IAQ, thermal comfort surveys, lighting evaluations and ASHREA 62.1 assistance.
• Environmental health – meth lab clean-ups, bird/bat droppings, norovirus, hantavirus and West Nile Virus.
• Hazardous materials – risk modeling and management plans.
Converse will provide an obligation free estimate for Occupational Health & Safety Services.