626.930.1200 converse@converseconsultants.com Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm | Sat, Feb 22, 2025
Converse Consultants

Geotechnical Engineering

Our Geotechnical Engineering team include registered Civil Engineers (with emphasis in geotechnical engineering), Geotechnical engineers, Engineering Geologist and Hydrogeologist. These individuals have the appropriate educational background, experience, and possess certificates in their field of expertise.

Our team analyze the properties of earth materials at a project site by conducting appropriate field investigation and conducting laboratory testing. Data from the field and the laboratory is used to evaluate whether those materials meet the project requirements. They provide recommendations for how structures should be designed based on the underlying soils or rock. Converse’s engineering team routinely provides geotechnical recommendations for design of foundations for various structures such as buildings and bridges, retaining walls, pipelines, pavements, and other structures. If needed, they provide ground improvement recommendations to meet the needs of the planned structures.

Subsurface Investigation
Retaining Walls

Converse Office Locations