626.930.1200 converse@converseconsultants.com Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm | Sat, Jan 25, 2025
Converse Consultants

Geotechnical Laboratory

Converse Consultants maintains full-service laboratories nationwide to service our projects in a timely and cost-effective manner. Staff working in our laboratories are properly trained to conduct all tests and where applicable possess appropriate certificates. Our laboratories are managed by registered engineers and staffed by experienced and qualified technicians.

Our in-house capabilities enable sharing the workload across regional laboratories to ensure that results are ready when they are due. Test results are reviewed by the laboratory supervisors and signed by the manager prior to issuance to the client.

Our laboratories are certified by California Department of Transportation (CALTRAN), Division of State Architect (DSA) and other relevant state and local agencies. We also participate in the Caltrans reference sample program. Our testing capabilities include standard and many specialized tests to support the full range of services we provide. These include:

• Soils
• Aggregates
• Concrete
• Bituminous Materials
• Masonry
• Grout/Mortar
• Reinforcing Steel
• Roofing
• Fireproofing

Geotechnical Engineering Subsurface Investigation

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